School Resource Officers
About Us
The Boone County Sheriff’s Office School Resource Officer (SRO) program has enjoyed a long-standing relationship with the Western Boone and Zionsville Community School Corporations that dates back many years. Over the last three years, the Boone County Sheriffs Office has had a deputy assigned to meet the needs of students, staff, and visitors. An SRO is highly trained to assess and handle a multitude of issues that happen at school campuses. The Boone County Sheriff’s Office SRO training includes a 40-hour P.O.S.T. approved SRO certification course, a 40-hour advanced SRO certification course through NASRO (National Association of School Resource Officers), 16 hours of crisis intervention training and 16 hours of training in Tactical Response to School/Community Violence. The officers selected for an SRO position with the Boone County Sheriff’s Office are highly trained and capable of keeping our students, staff, and visitors safe on campus.
Our SROs handle a multitude of functions at schools, including providing a safe learning environment on campus, traffic issues, and pedestrian safety in and around schools. While law enforcement is one facet of an SRO duties, they also work as problem-solvers, ambassadors, mentors, and examples of public service. The SRO is an invaluable resource for students seeking advice. They assist school counselors, school nurses, and speak to parents regarding issues occurring with their child or children. In general, the SRO has daily contact with the campus community while building positive relationships and helping students reach their full potential.
Youth Programs
The Boone County Sheriff’s Office is committed to the youth of our community. Many deputies are committed to volunteering at school events or becoming coaches in the school systems. One of our main programs is our DARE program that we provide in the schools. The DARE program is an education program that seeks to prevent use of controlled drugs, membership in gangs, and violent behavior.
Another program that the Boone County Sheriff’s Office is proud to be a part of is the Indiana Sheriffs Association Youth Leadership Camp. The Indiana Sheriffs Leadership Camp, founded in 1980, was established by sheriffs in order to aid and enhance the development of the state’s youth. Originally called the Indiana Sheriffs Career Camp, the camp’s name was changed in 2003 to go along with a new curriculum. The program is designed to achieve three basic objectives. First, the sheriffs want to foster a stronger relationship between our state’s youth and the men and women who enforce the laws. Second, the sheriffs want to give children, who ordinarily would not have the opportunity, a chance for a summer camp experience. Third, to give youth a chance to build character and inspire leadership skills. Sheriffs and deputies spend a great deal of time with the kids. Many of the deputies conduct demonstrations in the fields of boat and water safety, K-9 demonstrations, defensive tactics and leadership skills, just to mention a few.
In addition, the Boone County Sheriff’s Office participates in the Teen Academy and 911 Camp. The Boone County Teen Academy was started in 2007 for Boone County students, ages 12 to 17. The Teen Academy is a week-long summer camp. usually in June. Students will participate in classroom and hands-on training. The Boone County Sheriff’s Office partners with Lebanon Fire Department, Boone County Emergency Management, and Indiana National Guard. All students will receive a class tee shirt, earn a course certificate, and participate in graduation ceremonies. Instructors are active-duty law enforcement and fire department officers. Instruction takes place at the Boone County Sheriff’s Office and Fire Training Facility
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What is a School Resource Officer (S.R.O.)?
A school resource officer is a career law enforcement officer with sworn authority who is deployed by an employing police department or agency in a community-oriented policing assignment to work in collaboration with one or more schools. NASRO recommends that agencies select officers carefully for SRO assignments and that officers received at least 40 hours of specialized training in school policing before being assigned.
Q2: What are appropriate roles of school resource officers?
The goals of SRO programs include providing safe learning environments in our county schools, providing valuable resources to school staff members, fostering positive relationships with youth, developing strategies to resolve problems affecting youth and protecting all students, so that they can reach their fullest potentials. NASRO considers it a best practice to use a “triad concept” to define the three main roles of school resource officers: educator (i.e. guest lecturer), informal counselor/mentor, and law enforcement officer.
Q3: Can I report information to the School Resource Officer?
The S.R.O. is available during school hours and can be reached after hours/weekends by contacting the Boone County Communication (765-482-1412) or if an emergency dial 911. If emergency exists immediate police response will be dispatched. The responding officers on scene can contact the School Resource Officer if the need exists.
Q4: If I have a concern about a School Resource Officer, who should I contact?
The Boone County Sheriff’s Office SRO program is overseen by Sergeant Neil Randolph. You may also contact the Boone County Sheriff’s Office main line to report your concerns.
Q5: Do SROs have the authority to detain and interview students?
Yes, for criminal investigations only. Unless exigent circumstances exist (.e.g. crime of active violence in progress which threatens lives in the school), the SRO shall take immediate steps to contact parent(s) or guardian(s) before any questioning of a student about possible involvement in criminal activity. The SRO shall fully inform both the student and legal guardian of the entitlement of Miranda warnings before any questioning takes place. SRO’s shall seek the consent authorization (approval or denial) of the legal guardian before conducting any interview of the student.
Programs, Services, & Resources
Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
1905 Indianapolis Ave
Lebanon, IN 46052
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