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Integrative Wellness (InWell)
Integrative Wellness (InWell) is a local behavioral health practice located in Lebanon, IN. InWell is currently providing several treatment services to our offender population that suffers from a substance use disorder (SUD). Currently, InWell is providing one hundred and thirty-six hours of pharmacological and psychosocial services per week in our facility. These hours and the various treatment modalities are broken down as follows:
Clinical Assessment, Treatment Plan Development & Individual Therapy – Anita Parks-Gehrung LCSW (30 hours/week)
This is where the initial treatment process begins for the clients. They are given a full biopsychosocial assessment which looks at their substance use hx, psych hx, criminal hx, family hx, and medical hx. Based upon the client’s self-disclosures and clinical observations, the therapist will formally diagnose the client, and subsequently a treatment plan will be designed to both assist them with treating their addiction while incarcerated and have treatment recommendations for post-incarceration as well.
Peer Support Services – Jennifer Van Nuys CHW/ CRS, Alvina LaForge, CAPRC II, CHW/CRS, MATS (74 hours per week)
A peer support is someone with the lived experience of both active addiction as well as recovery. The peer support helps to remove personal and environmental obstacles to recovery, links the newly recovering person to the recovery community, and serves as a personal guide and mentor in the management of personal and family recovery.
Matrix Group – Anita Parks- Gehrung LCSW, & Larry Blue, LAC (8 hours/week)
Matrix Model for Criminal Justice Settings Early Recovery (ER) group. In this group participants will learn basic skills to achieve initial sobriety and address the thinking errors that led to their involvement in the criminal justice system. They learn basic cognitive-behavioral tools for abstinence and the value of Twelve Step and other spiritual or self-help participation. The Matrix Model for Criminal Justice settings also adds an Early Recovery session prior to Family education. Matrix Model for Criminal Justice Settings Relapse Prevention (RP) group. These groups help clients maintain abstinence and a pro social lifestyle by delivering information, support, and guidance as they proceed through recovery. This group includes a co-leader, an important element in the group dynamic. He or she should be a graduate participant (or in later stages of the program) who is continuing to work on a program of recovery that other participants can emulate.
Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD) – Dr. Crystal Jones, Elaine Myers RN, Dr. Webster, Dr. Choi, Julie Toole, RN (30-40 hours/week)
The purpose of the Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program is to provide pre-release treatment and post-release referral for opioid-addicted and alcohol-addicted justice involved individuals. This program involves jail-based substance abuse treatment and collaboration with community-based clinics to provide aftercare treatment. The goal is to facilitate transition into an outpatient substance abuse treatment program which employs a multi-faceted approach to treatment including the use of the FDA approved medications, counseling, and aftercare referral to community-based providers.
Jail Chemical Addiction Program (JCAP) – Larry Blue, LAC & Jennifer Van Nuys, CHW/CRS
The JCAP program is an intensive treatment program funded by the local community corrections. This program has a unique curriculum that is based in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and provides for approximately 14 group service hours per week. Along with the core addition curriculum, there is also a skill component which allows for the provision of skills for addressing maladaptive behaviors. The resources used in this program provide comprehensive and integrated models addressing the broad range of needs and key internal and external factors for the justice involved population. Supporting a flexible open group/open admissions format.
Macy Simmons, CSPR- PR, CAPRC II, CHW/CRS, MATS – Program Management
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