Sheriff's Office Staff
About Us
The Boone County Jail was built in 1992 with bedspace for 110 inmates and opened on October 30th with a population of 40. In the summer of 2007, the facility’s total bed space was expanded to accommodate 221 inmates with the addition of permanently affixed steel bunks.
In 2020 there were 157 admissions into the Boone County Jail and 1640 released. The average daily population was 137 inmates; with an average population of 26 females and 111 males.
Inmate Rights
As listed in 210 IAC 3-1-15 in the Indiana Administrative Code
· The right of jail inmates to have access to the courts shall be insured. Inmate shall have confidential access to their attorneys and the authorized representatives of their attorneys. All jail inmates shall have reasonable access to an adequate law library.
· Inmates shall not be subject to discrimination based on race, national origin, color, creed, sex, economic status, or political belief. There shall be equal access to programs or services for male and female inmates.
· Inmates shall have the right of access to reading material except pornography as defined by Indiana law or reading matter which jail officials have reasonable grounds to believe poses an immediate danger to the safety of an individual or a serious threat to the security of the jail.
· An inmate is entitled to believe in the religion of his choice, and attendance at religious services is not required. To the greatest extent possible consistent with jail security, programs and resources, an inmate is entitled to:
· Observe the religious days of worship or holidays of his religion; Possess religious artifacts that do not compromise the safety and security of the jail. Receive and possess religious literature; and Communicate, correspond with and be visited by a clergyman or religious counselor of his choice.
· An inmate shall be given a reasonable opportunity for physical exercise and recreation outside of his immediate living quarters and out of doors where feasible, consistent with the security and resources of the jail.
· Each sheriff shall make arrangements with election officials to facilitate an inmate’s right to vote by absentee ballot provided that the inmate is otherwise qualified to vote.
· Each jail shall maintain a written inmate work assignment plan providing for inmate employment, subject to the number of available work opportunities and the maintenance of facility security. Unsentenced inmates shall not be required to work except as may be necessary to maintain their living quarters in a safe and sanitary condition.
· All inmates shall have the right to file written grievances regarding treatment of conditions in the jail with the sheriff or his designee. Grievances shall be promptly investigated, and a written report stating the disposition of the grievance shall be provided the inmate. The sheriff shall establish in writing a grievance procedure which shall be made known and distributed to all inmates upon arrival and initial screening.
· Inmates may receive visitors at reasonable times. Jail officials may, however, for the purposes of maintaining jail security, individual safety, and administrative manageability, place reasonable restrictions on visitation.
Find an Inmate
View the Inmate Look-Up Application
Send Money to an Inmate
Securely send money online to an Inmate. For other transfer options, see this link.
Send Digital Messages to an Inmate
Send Messages and Photos to an Inmate
Secure Mail Online
Inmate Mail and Correspondence
All correspondence must have a complete return name and address and be addressed in the following format:
Your Full Name
1234 Your Street
Lebanon, IN 46052
Inmate’s Full Name (including middle initial)
C/O Boone County Jail
1905 Indianapolis Ave
Lebanon, IN 46052
ALL unacceptable or improperly addressed inmate mail will be returned to sender.
The Boone County Jail has strict mail procedures that must be followed for the safety and security of the facility, staff, and inmates. Please follow these rules to reduce delays and ensure a timely delivery of mail.
All letters must be written in black or blue pen only. Drawings or letters written in marker, crayon, pencil, or colored pen other than black or blue will be confiscated and placed in the inmate’s property bag. ALL unacceptable or improperly addressed inmate mail will be returned to sender.
Jail staff will not provide photocopies of any confiscated item(s) to inmates.
We are no longer accepting greeting cards to inmates; we are only accepting regular letters. You must include a complete return address, including, name & full address, or the letter will not be delivered to the inmate. It will go in their property tub and given to them when they are released.
Money Orders will be accepted; however, they must be completely filled out with the inmate’s full name and the purchaser’s full name and address.
The following is a sample of unacceptable items that will be returned to the sender or confiscated:
– drugs, weapons, hazardous materials, etc.;
– stationery, stamps, envelopes, post-its, etc;.
– staples, paper clips, metal, plastic, laminations, balloons, jewelry, etc.;
– stickers, labels, tape, glue, or any adhesives on the inside or outside of the envelope/letter;
– greeting Cards, musical cards, glitter, paint, string, etc.;
– mail containing bubble wrap or plastic; and padded envelopes.
– All photographs must be printed on glossy photo paper, like you would get printed at a drug store or photo lab. Pictures printed on regular printer paper will not be allowed. Photographs or pictures that are pornographic, nude, suggestive, showing gangs, gang tattoos, or hand gestures (signs) are not allowed.
– Do not send cash or checks; only money orders are accepted. Money orders must be completely filled out with the inmate’s full name and the purchaser’s full name and address.
– Identification cards and phone cards are not allowed.
– Mail that does not have a complete return address will be returned to sender. (Return address using a nick name will be refused.)
– Do not draw on the envelope; neatly print all information.
– Any items not listed that jeopardize the security of the facility are unacceptable.
Indiana County Jail Standards
Learn About Indiana County Jail Standards
Indiana County Jail Standards
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: When is the jail open?
While under construction, the Boone County Jail remains open 24/7 for inmate purposes. All Administrative needs can be completed at the temporary offices located at the Boone County Fairgrounds from 8:00am – 4:00pm Monday through Friday excluding Holidays. Any other inmate needs can be addressed at the 187B Door located on the eastside of the current building.
Q2: How do I bond someone out of the Boone County Jail?
Depending on the status of the inmate within the court system, they may be eligible to bond out of jail. Bonds can be paid 24 hours a day. Bonds can either be paid in the form of a credit/debit card or a surety bond. A surety bond requires a licensed bond agent to process and a fee paid to the bondsman. A cash bond may be paid with a money order made out to the Boone County Sheriff’s Office, or with a credit or debit card.
Bond payment with Cashier's Check must be done during normal business hours: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Persons wishing to pay a bond with a credit card must call Allpaid at 1-888-561-7888 or 1-888-604-7888 or visit their website at* A person posting bond via credit card must provide the inmate’s full name, date of birth, their Boone County Jail inmate number, their charge(s), the bond amount and the jail’s “Pay Location Code” which is 6808. This information can be obtained by calling the jail at 765-482-1412 option 1. Allpaid charges a 9% non-refundable processing fee. Boone County receives no part of the processing fee. A cash bond agreement will be completed on all bonds.
When a bond is paid a receipt will be provided to the payer that will list the inmate’s upcoming court date(s) if available.
Per order of Circuit Court Judge Schein, Superior 1 Court Judge Kincaid and Superior II Court Judge Petit: Pursuant to I.C. 35-33-8-3.2, cash bonds posted for the release of a Defendant, upon disposition of the case in which bond is posted, may be applied to any fines, costs, fees, restitution, repayment of public defender fees of the Defendant and/or for any other purpose permitted by law.
Important information to all persons posting bond for arrestees: If you are posting a CASH BOND for the release of an arrestee, then if the arrested person appears at all hearings and/or trial, the money posted will be returned if the person arrested is found not guilty or the charges are dismissed. It the person arrested is found guilty or pleads guilty, then the monies posted will be applied toward any fines and/or costs. If there are any monies left over, then only these sums will be returned to the person who paid the bond as shown on the cash bond agreement.
Please understand that if you are posting a SURETY BOND (through a bail bondsman) then there will be no return of the monies posted. This money posted is like an insurance premium and is not returnable. Sometimes it is better to allow the arrestee to remain in jail another day or so and use the money to obtain an attorney to attempt to obtain a bond reduction. It is difficult for a Judge to understand how someone can come up with $500 to $1,000 for a surety bond and then come to court and ask for a public defender because of no funds to hire an attorney
Please note: Any inmate arrested on alcohol or drug influence related charges will not be released until it has been determined that the individual is no longer intoxicated.
Q3: What if I need to get property from an inmate?
Property of inmate currently incarcerated can be picked up at the jail if the inmate signs a property release form authorizing the release. All property with the exception of inmates clothing will be released (no exceptions).
Inmates transferred to DOC are given a property release form and they designate who is authorized to pick up their property. DOC inmates property will only be held for 30 days after their release from our facility. Property can be picked up at any time by calling the Boone County Jail at 765-482-1412 option 1 and scheduling an appointment. Proper I.D. will be required before property is released.
Q4: How does the telephone system work?
The Inmate Telephone System is not owned or operated by Boone County. ICSolutions, an outside vendor, is contracted to provide inmate telephone services. ALL telephone calls are subject to monitoring and recording. for more ICSolutions company information
Inmate Account – Inmates who have money on their account can place a direct call and the cost of the call will be taken off the inmates account. Inmates also have the ability to place a collect call providing the recipient accepts the charges.
Money Orders payable to an inmate and US Currency may be mailed to the Boone County Sheriff's Office 1905 Indianapolis Ave. Lebanon, IN 46052.
Other Options for Account Deposits:
- Boone County Sheriff's Office KIOSK Machine Located at the Boone County Courthouse. 201 Courthouse square, Lebanon IN 46052.
- Toll Free Phone Deposits: (866) 345-1884
- Internet Deposits:
Q5: How do I visit an inmate?
An inmate has to be incarcerated 72 hours before they will be allowed visitation. All visits are by video, there are no more face to face visits. Due to construction each inmate will receive three free "home" visits. Any additional will be for a fee of $12.50 for a 25 minute visit. An account through IC Solutions will need to be made by the visitor. This can be done on any computer or smartphone. Once an account is made you will schedule all visits through their website. All visits are 25 minutes. Visitation hours are 7 days a week 8am-10pm.
Q6: How can a lawyer see an inmate at jail?
Lawyers are allowed to visit with inmates at any time with the exception of 6:00 a.m - 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Lawyers have the ability to visit with inmates via the video kiosk. These visits are NOT recorded.
Q7: Can an inmate get a visit from his/her minister?
Members of the clergy who are on an authorized list compiled by the Sheriff’s Office Senior Chaplain Joni Scott may be allowed to visit inmates at any time with the exception of 6:00 a.m - 8:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Minister/Preachers or any educators are not allowed to visit with inmates if they are related.
Ministers are welcome to schedule a video visit.
Q8: How do I put money on an inmate's account?
Money being placed on an inmates account can be used by the inmate for both phone calls and ordering commissary. Money orders payable to an inmate may be placed on the inmate’s account. PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED.
Money orders should be mailed to Boone County Jail 1905 Indianapolis Avenue, Lebanon, IN 46052.
Other Options for Account Deposits:
Boone County Sheriff's Office KIOSK Machine - at the Boone County Courthouse. 201 Courthouse Square, Lebanon, IN 46052. Cash or Credit Card Deposits
Toll Free Phone Deposits: (866)345-1884
Internet Deposits:
Q9: How does an inmate get money from his/her account after being released from jail?
Inmates at the time of their release will be given a debit card with his/her remaining funds. If you did not receive a debit card upon release you may contact the Boone County Jail between 10am and 4pm at 765-482-1412 option 1, on the days that the Boone County Sheriff's Office is open and have a debit card issued to you.
Q10: Can I send letters and books to an inmate?
Inmates can receive mail delivered by the US Postal Service – it may not be dropped off at the jail. All incoming mail must have a return name and full return address. Mail that does not have a return address will be placed in the inmate’s property (with the exception of legal mail). All incoming mail will be opened and inspected by Jail Officers to prevent the introduction of contraband. PERSONS WHO SEND CONTRABAND INTO THE FACILITY WILL BE CRIMINALLY PROSECUTED AND THE INMATE TO WHOM IT IS BEING SENT MAY ALSO FACE CRIMINAL CHARGES. Legal mail sent directly from an attorney will be opened in the presence of the inmate. Inmates may have a newspaper mailed from the publisher at the inmate’s expense. Soft cover books will be accepted from the publisher ONLY. Magazines and periodicals will not be accepted. Any materials that contain obscene pictures, racist or “hate” content will not be given to the inmate, but will be placed in his/her property tub. The Boone County Jail in cooperation with Lebanon Public Library provides inmates with soft cover books.
Q11: How are inmate medical needs addressed?
Upon arrival at the Boone County Jail inmates are asked a series of medical questions and are screened by our medical staff soon thereafter. Inmates are responsible for reporting existing illnesses or other medical conditions to jail staff during their in-processing. While incarcerated at the Boone County Jail the jail’s medical director is an inmate’s primary care giver. Medical issues are addressed by the inmate completing a medical request form. Sick calls are provided on a regular basis. There is a medical co-pay charge of $10.00. If necessary, our medical staff will schedule an appointment with specialists. Medication will be distributed in accordance with prescription orders approved by the jail’s medical staff. Certain over-the-counter medication, such as pain relievers, cough drops, vitamins and antacids, may be purchased by inmates on commissary. Inmates will not be denied access to medical services due to an inability to pay. If the inmate does not have enough money to cover the co-payment, the services will be “charged” until sufficient funds are in their account to pay the $10.00 co-pay. Information regarding an inmate’s medical status will be released only through proper medical channels. Only the medical staff may release inmate medical information to an inmate’s family. Medication must be in the container from the pharmacy with an appropriate label.
Q12: Can I bring medication in for the inmate?
Friends or family members may call and make an appointment with the Jail Medical Staff at 765-483-3376 to bring an inmate’s prescribed medication to the jail. It must be in the original prescription bottle. The medication will be given to the inmate with approval by the jail medical staff. Any medication not given to the inmate will be returned to him/her upon their release from the jail.
Q13: How do I get medication left at the jail?
Once released from the Boone County Jail an inmate may contact the medical staff at 765-483-3376 to have their medication released to them. Medical staff may make the medication available to be picked up at the jail. Medication can be picked up 24hrs a day.
Q14: Do the inmates eat well?
The Boone County Jail provides three balanced meals daily. Meals are approved by a dietician and meet nutritional standards. Inmates are allowed to buy additional food items off commissary.
Q15: Can I bring some clothes to the jail for an inmate?
The jail will not accept clothing for inmates. Inmates are issued clothing and shoes and can purchase underwear, t-shirts and socks from commissary. In the event that the inmate has a Jury Trial arrangements will be made with the attorney to get proper attire for the inmate to wear in court.
Q16: How do I notify an inmate of a death in his/her family?
If there has been a death in the inmate’s immediate family you may call the jail and ask that the inmate be informed. Upon verification, a Sheriff’s Office chaplain or other approved member of clergy may aid in a death notification.
Q17: Can jail staff relay messages or pass notes to inmates?
Notes are not passed to inmates. If jail staff determine that a message is of an emergency nature – such as a death in an inmate’s family – that information may be shared with an inmate.
Q18: I have a family member at another jail who was arrested on charges from a Boone County case. When will they be brought to the Boone County Jail?
It is the policy of the Boone County Jail to not to disclose when an inmate is to be transported to or from our facility. This is for the safety of our transportation staff. An inmate with “out of county” charges generally must be transported within 30 days of their arrest. Transportation Division will pick up an inmate as soon as schedule permits.
Q19: Can an inmate vote?
Arrangements upon request from the inmate will be made with election officials to facilitate and inmate’s right to vote by absentee ballot, provided the inmate is a qualified voter.
Q20: I have a weekend commitment, what can I bring?
You may not bring any items into the jail. You will be issued orange clothing, sandals, towel, hygiene items, a mat and blanket. Books are available to you.
**If you have prescribed medication you must call medical (765-483-3376) and set up an appointment with the nurse and bring the medication into the jail prior to your commitment.
Q21: Do I have a warrant?
We do not give out warrant information over the telephone. You may come to the jail with proper identification and a check for any outstanding warrants will be made.
Q22: Can I send an inmate at Boone County Jail an email?
Access Corrections provides the public the ability to send Secure Mail to inmates incarcerated at our facility. To set up an account you have two options. Click on: or dial (866) 345-1884
Q23: How do I find out my court date?
Log into You can access information using name or case number.
Q24: I was assigned a pauper counsel? How do I find out his/her name?
Log into You can access information using name or case number.
Programs, Services, & Resources
Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
1905 Indianapolis Ave
Lebanon, IN 46052
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Boone County Sheriff's Office. All Rights Reserved.