BCSO Bike Patrol
About Us
The Boone County Sheriff’s Office has seen a considerable growth and demographic change in many areas of the county. In 2021 the Boone County Sheriffs Office started a Bicycle Patrol program. While mainly focused on the rail trail, school events and county subdivisions, the presence of our deputies in the downtown areas of many of the town and cities in Boone County Officers has made a Boone County a safer place to live. Boone County Sheriff’s Office deputies on bicycles are much more approachable by pedestrians in an urban or rural setting. These deputies are also much more aware of their surroundings but still maintain a means of conveyance to respond to calls within a given area in a rapid manner.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: What can bike cops do?
Bicycle officers can use all of their senses to detect illegal activity. Bicycle officers encounter crime as it is happening and can see, hear and even smell clues that lead them to areas where crimes are being committed
Q2: What are the advantages of bicycle patrol?
One of the biggest advantages to bicycle patrol is its ability to navigate around swiftly, avoiding obstacles and hazards that would stop a patrol vehicle in its tracks. At events, bicycle police have the unmatched ability to be in the center of crowds with the means to get to other areas quickly
Q3: Where would we use bikes?
Mountain bikes have proven effective in a number of different environments. They are swift and agile in busy urban areas where traffic snarls and crowds delay motorized units. Bikes are also effective in less urban areas for park patrol, parking lots, school areas, residential patrol, business security, athletic or civic events, and specialized details. They can be operated on streets, sidewalks, alleys, trails, and in any areas that are difficult to access with motor vehicles.
Q4: Why put deputies, EMS and security personnel on mountain bikes?
One of the most versatile tools in law enforcement, emergency medical response, and security today is the mountain bike. Quiet, cost efficient, and amazingly effective, mountain bikes are able to bridge the gap between automobiles and foot patrol. Experience has shown that citizens are more likely to approach a bike patrol officer than even a neighborhood beat officer, optimizing community oriented or problem oriented policing efforts. Bicycle officers are better able to use all of their senses, including smell and hearing, to detect and address crime. Bike patrol officers are often able to approach suspects virtually unnoticed, even in full uniform. Bike-mounted security officers create a highly mobile, visible presence in a wide range of facilities, including shopping malls, casinos, office parks, gated communities, hospital complexes, and amusement parks. The mobility of an EMS provider on a bike can mean the difference between life or death in congested or crowded conditions. EMS on bikes are increasingly deployed in tourist areas, during special events, in amusement parks and sports arenas, on college campuses, and in airports, train stations
Our Office Hours
Mon-Fri 8am-4pm
1905 Indianapolis Ave
Lebanon, IN 46052
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